Legal Notice
OpenCloud GmbH
Registered under:
Commercial register: HRB 267569 B
District Court of Berlin-Charlottenburg, Germany
CEO: Peer Heinlein
Data protection contact
You can reach our company data protection officer at
Responsible according to Sec. 18 para. 2 German State Media Treaty (Medienstaatsvertrag)
Peer Heinlein, OpenCloud GmbH, Schwedter Str. 9a, DE-10119 Berlin,
Fingerprints of important PGP keys of our team
-, key ID 2F7A3C55
0F8A 10F6 1675 2772 5842 0771 4161 2245 2F7A 3C55 -, key ID A09C3AD1
7658 8F21 6BC7 6605 382C C7F3 54D7 F77A A09C 3AD1
Brand Identity & Webdesign
Elevate GmbH, Munich
Technical implementation website
LOOM GmbH, Berlin
We would like to point out that websites on the Internet can have variable content. The following applies to all links on this website: To the best of our knowledge, their content was harmless at the time of linking; however, we cannot rule out the possibility that their content has subsequently been changed, so that we cannot assume any responsibility with regard to the current content of the linked pages. We refer to the respective pages as a research opportunity, but do not wish to adopt their respective content as our own. This declaration applies to all links on this website.